Supporting the Bridal Business Industry

Posts tagged ‘business’


Bridal Business Boot Camp

Next Bridal Business Boot Camp set for DETROIT -Hilton Garden Inn on August 27! Join other wedding professionals to learn more on growing your business.

SMART Rules In Marketing Your Wedding Business

Do you know the steps to marketing your wedding business?  What do you need to put in the box? It’s actually simple:  S.M.A.R.T.

What’s in your Marketing Box?

S:  Be Specific. Don’t be vague in what you are trying to get across to the brides.

M:  Create something that is Measurable.  Determine what the success factor is for that goal.

A:  Are you able to Attain the goal you set up.  Is it something you can accomplish?

R:  When setting up your bridal marketing goals, are they Realistic?

T:  Do you have a Time Frame in which to create and make this goal work?

To guide your wedding business marketing efforts, you need to understand how to take ‘your passion’ in this industry and make it a business that plays to the needs of a bride.   There are several ways to build your company through an ‘Internet Marketing Strategy’ such as:

  • Your website.  Is your website creating desire?
  • SEO:  Search Engine Optimization.  Is your company always striving to be at the top of the search engine?
  • E-newsletters, Blogs:  Does your company create items that make you a star in this industry?
  • Social media: Do you stay on top of your social media, putting your company as the connection providing help to the brides creating a dream wedding?
  • Your Database.  Are you able to collect and add to your database of couples looking to use your company?  Increase your brand circle, by reaching out to those reached out for you!

Tips to help you: 

1) In the book ‘How to Double Your Wedding Business in 12 Months,’ Author Chris Evans, shows you how to break down your goals and set up realistic steps using sales techniques that will support you as you go forward.   

2) ESSText is a marketing technique used to capture your next client by using a ‘text program,’  through your SMART phone.

3) is a site that creates marketing videos to help take your marketing up a notch!  Each customized video can be placed on your website or used in your social marketing.

Marketing support with these items you can purchase through Amazon or at: 

OK, overwhelmed and need someone to do this for you?   Evans Sales Solutions can help you!  The Bridal Marketing Concierge team works to best suit our wedding business clients by providing them a range of full service marketing techniques and the ‘training’ needed to put your staff at the top for sales and service.  As a solutions-based and results-driven bridal marketing concierge in this fast paced environment, we help to grow your sales and increase your profitability.  Call 805-322-4446 or email:

Wedding Watch News-A guide to better business 

Click here to read

Wedding Social Marketing Blue Print Surprisingly Simple?

Creating a social marketing blue print for your company can be incredibly hard for the #wedding business owner who is working constantly ‘keeping the doors open,’ and doesn’t have the time to be on the computer and grow their business.  It’s important to stay on top of the daily changes and updates in social marketing, so that your company is found easier.   Here are a few quick things to note when you are working on your blue print: 

1) Write click-worthy titles and descriptions for the bride to be

When it comes to writing titles for search engines, the first thing you have to know is this…you only have 65 characters to write your headline.  You could write the greatest headline, but if it’s over 65 characters, it will get cut off.   Try to create something that you know will interest the clients you want to come knocking at your door.

  • Front-load your titles with keywords – Since most people only scan the first 2 words in a title, try to a keyword in the front as much as possible.
  • Meet the expectations of the reader – Your title should click to a page that meets the expectations of the user.
  • Emotionally writing – Try to make your title an emotional call to the brides.   Use adverbs that will pull them in: Emotional words are; killer, FREE, amazingly, surprising, uncommonly, tempting, astoundingly  (make up your own?)

2) Keywords 

When you want to attract attention when it comes to ranking above the fold is with Google+

  • Google looks for the word you typed in, but sometimes also looks for synonyms or related terms. Any words appearing in boldface type in your search results are terms Google associates with your search terms. For example, if you search for [kittens] you might see the word cats in boldface in your results.
  • Adding pictures, creating a blog with keywords, add friends– all support your going higher on the search engine.

3) Meta Tags 

These ideas are from Google.  The quality of your snippet (a small piece of brief extract: ‘snippets of information’) is important.  Using identical or similar descriptions on every page of a site isn’t very helpful when individual pages appear in the web results— the short text preview Google displays for each web result — can have a direct impact on the chances of your site being clicked (i.e. the amount of traffic Google sends your way).  Google wants snippets to accurately represent the web result. They (Google) will frequently prefer to display meta descriptions of pages (when available) because it gives users a clear idea of the URL’s content.

  • The meta description doesn’t just have to be in sentence format; it’s also a great place to include structured data about the page. Google limits meta descriptions to 160 characters or less.
  • For some sites, like news media sources, generating an accurate and unique description for each page is easy: since each article is hand-written, it takes minimal effort to also add a one-sentence description.
  • Finally, make sure your descriptions are… descriptive.  Front load keywords that are relevant to the article. If you like formulas, ask “Who? What? Why? When? Where? How?” That’s a formula journalists use to report. It works equally well writing descriptions.

Remember, that you are in business!  While it may have started from your ‘passion’ and that should still be part of the business, you must continually take the steps to bring your company up to speed on social marketing.   Bridal Business Marketing Concierge is one who can help with that day-to-day social marketing.  Learn more about our internet marketing solutions 

Recent blog posts about bridal business marketing strategy:   (From Evans Sales Solutions)


Contact us: 
Evans Sales Solutions, LLC

Is it really SPAM or does it cost you wedding business?

I must admit, I’m amazed by the wedding professionals who spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours promoting their business only to throw it all away when the bride can’t reach them.  Isn’t that the point of marketing and public relations; allowing interested parties to actually make contact with you?

Grow your sales!

Doesn’t it seem counter intuitive to post your email address as a point of contact and then create a barrier to that contact with a spam filter?  Oh I know, we are in a war against spam and without the
filters we will lose.  I don’t think so.  Spam is just one of the costs of doing business today.  Fight spam by clicking the delete button, not sending potential clients to your competitor who doesn’t employ a spam filter.

You don’t think a spam filter is such a great deterrent?  Let’s look at it another way.

Imagine you promote your business’s telephone number. Everyplace your prospect looks they see your phone number. When they finally pick up the phone to give you a call, instead of actually reaching you they have to answer some questions about themselves so that you can determine IF they are truly worthy to receive follow-up from you. How many potential clients will hang in there and invest the effort to become actual clients?  Why wouldn’t they just call another wedding professional who will actually pick up his phone?   It’s not likely that anyone would actually create such a barrier to contact via the telephone.  If you are promoting your email address as a point of contact for your business, you shouldn’t create barriers there either.

Stop Being Lazy!
Every time I run across a spam filter for a business, I am perplexed.  Why would any business owner purposely make it harder for potential clients to get in touch with her?  The bottom line is that spam is inconvenient.  Wouldn’t you rather create a small inconvenience for yourself than one for the person who is trying to give you some of their hard-earned money?  Please….take the 10 minutes required each day and manually delete spam messages.  Wouldn’t you rather give up 10 minutes than lose just one customer?

You Don’t Want to Send the Wrong Message
Besides being inconvenient, a spam filter delivers this message to each prospect: “Hi.  I’m so busy that I can’t figure out how to set up email filters to cut down on spam.  I also believe that my time and energy is important than you working with me, therefore, I am going to make you jump through some hoops to prove you are worthy of my attention.  Once you jump through these hoops I promise to have you question the service that I am providing you right now, which may result in giving you pain later.”

The truth of the matter is that spam filters and excellent customer service don’t go together!  I am sure most consumers believe that barriers to contact detract from an outstanding customer

Create a strategy for follow up

3 Easy Ways to Reduce Spam  
1.    Make an attempt to avoid electronic email harvesting programs by posting your email address without symbols.  For example, instead of posting  –post john[at]royalweddings[dot]com.

2.    Learn how to use and set up the spam filters on your email program.  Even the free email programs are outfitted with sophisticated filters.

3.    Have a dedicated business email.  Don’t sign up for newsletters and free offers with your business email address.  Only use your business email address for business functions and you will surely
see a decrease in the number of spam messages you receive.

You can learn more about advertising programs and generally accepted policies that cost you money by reading my book, ‘How to Double Your Wedding Business in 12 Months’ by visiting or call 805-322-4446
Evans Sales Solutions, LLC, is an outsourced bridal  marketing concierge company.  We operate to best suit our clients needs by providing a complete range of full service marketing techniques and training.  As a solutions-based and results-driven concierge in today’s fast-paced marketing environment, we simplify the lives of our clients while growing their sales and increasing their profitability.

How To Double Your Wedding Business in 12 Months! BOOK

Order your copy today!

What makes a good salesperson?

What makes a good salesperson?.


15 Ideas to Collect Email Addresses for Your Business

To blog, send and invitation, create a newsletter, market your company–you’ll need those email addresses. Here are some ideas from Evans Sales Solutions, to start growing your list:

  1. Include and opt-in form on your website, so that you always have immediate results
  2. Create a monthly newsletter, include a sign-up link in your signature to all you emails
  3.  Use Facebook-Host your own group and invite people to it, then post links often. From time to time, post a link to sign up for your newsletter
  4. Bridal Tradeshows: Always bring a calendar and a ‘guest sign up’ book with you on a clipboard (make sure all staff have one) and ask for permission to send an email to those who sign up
  5. Host a ‘Wedding Professional Mixer,’ invite all wedding professionals in your area and invite them to sign up for your newsletter. (They will start referring business to you when you make a good relationship)
  6. Give something for free, like a PDF to help them grow their business? Have the visitors sign up on your ‘opt-in’ form prior to download
  7. Incentivize your employees-Give them $ or ‘points for something great’ for collecting VALID email addresses
  8. SEO-Make sure you optimize your site for keywords.  You need to be at the top of the search when people are looking for you.
  9. Include a ‘forward-to-a-friend link in your emails, just in case they want to forward your information to a someone who will find it interesting
  10. On the phone?  Never hang up without asking for their email address to keep your conversation going
  11. Use LinkedIn: Create a group, join groups and start dialoging
  12. Offer an ‘email only’ discount and don’t use those offers anywhere but email
  13. Use Twitter: Tweat your ‘hosted link’ of your email campaign every time you launch
  14. Bounce-backs: Get them back!  Send a postcard asking for their updated email addresses
  15. Include a forward-to-a-friend link on every page on your site

Need support to do all of this? Go to:

About us: Evans Sales Solution, Inc is a professional bridal marketing, sales and management concierge for those in the wedding industry.  We operate to best suit our client’s needs by providing a complete range of full service marketing techniques.

As a solutions-based and results-driven concierge in today’s fast-paced marketing environment, we aim to simplify the lives of our clients.  By leveraging our wedding business relationships and access networks, we create strategic, specialized and customized plans to bring your wedding business to the next level.  To contact us:

Resources To Grow Your Wedding Business

At the ‘Bridal Business Boot Camp,’ which takes place all over the country, or as the speaker at a wedding business conference, Chris Evans, wedding business guru, shares top secret techniques to support the growth of your company. 

The resource page on the website: is set up to give you ideas (mostly free) to be the best in the wedding industry that your company can be.

The first selection by Chris to support your company is:

Aweber Autoresponder:  This autoresponder puts an online OR offline business on Auto-Pilot, by sending emails to your mailing lists.  It is used to automate my response to my mailing list, saving your company valuable time.

An auto responder is a very cool software program that allows you to enter a series of newsletters, e-mails or informational snippets, and then it delivers that information in whatever order and schedule you choose.  Autoresponders have helped many businesses is that it simplifies the follow-up of its mailing list members, even just to remind its members of their products or services. 

Evans Sales Solutions uses the Aweber Autoresponder, to send out messages every few days.  When someone subscribes to our website, they will get an immediate response, after they have subscribed. Then it is set up to reach out to those interested at an interval of 2 to 7 days.

Within months of having our Facebook up, we have over 1000+ members.  Our blog is starting to ‘multiple’ by reaching out with the autoresponder to help branch out with our services.

It is used to remind our clients of our latest posts as well as to remind them of my offers of products and services, such as the new ‘BizEBride Mobile app, or the Wedding Watch Newsletter.’  Our team at Evans Sales Solutions, uses it to guide my 1000+ clients to the right resources that they want.

Aweber Autoresponder has been advertising for me, tirelessly, 24 hours a day / 7 days a week/ 365 days a year. It is always on Auto-Pilot.

The first step is to contract with an auto-responder service and set up an account. You can do that by clicking the link below.

Example: Once your account is set up (a five-minute process), you can begin creating a series of e-mails to send to the bride after the show. It’s best to keep each e-mail short and to provide some information about your company. Always close the e-mail by providing a way for the bride to link to you, call you, or register on your page. You will want to create 10 separate e-mails that will be sent to the bride after the show.

My experience shows it’s best to schedule your e-mails as follows:

  • One      each day for five days
  • One      every other day for the next six days
  • One      e-mail 15 days after the show
  • One      final e-mail 20 days after the show

When you meet a bride at the show, part of the registration process will be to record her e-mail address. On your registration form you should have an opt-in box where the bride can give you permission to send her e-mails. Be sure to keep these registration forms on file in the event that there is a question later. There are specific laws that govern sending e-mails to lists. The auto-responder service you choose will provide all the information you need, and by following its guidelines you will be in compliance with the laws.

After the show, simply enter the brides’ e-mail addresses into the system and they will receive the e-mails you set on the schedule you created. The final e-mail in the schedule should tell the bride-to-be that it is the final message she will receive. It’s amazing, but many times that’s enough to stimulate the bride-to-be to respond.

There are many different Autoresponder companies, however, we like Aweber best.  Aweber’s user-friendly user interface works well for newbies and even the experienced marketer. It is easy to maneuver between the options.

If you get your Aweber now, you will be able to:

set up unlimited campaigns
unlimited messages
spam checker
text or html-based messages
manage your subscribers

As an added bonus, Aweber has a referral compensation program as well, so you can benefit by promoting your Aweber, so when you sign up use Evans Sales Solutions, or CLICK LINK BELOW: 
1. Identify a target group you want to market to

2. Come up with at least 10 follow-ups emails

3. The first email is always to welcome your subscriber and with the download of freebies e.g. free report or e-Book

4. Write down the time intervals you want to send these emails

5. Once you got your Aweber account, copy and paste the emails into the message boxes

6. Remember to on the “click-tracking” so that you can know how many of your members have clicked on the links

7. Let it run and you go to sleep

Be sure to use the Chris Evans Link below and check it out for yourself or go to


Wedding Business Expert given mission ‘Bridal Business IMPOSSIBLE’ in Chicago on June 18

Wedding Business Expert-Author, Speaker, Trainer–Chris Evans in Chicago-O’Hare!  Chris will teach you how to ‘Double Your Wedding Business in 12 Months’ at the Bridal Business Boot Camp!  Join us on Monday, June 18 @ the Hampton Inn Airport Hotel.

May 30, 2012-Chicago:  Chris Evans, America’s foremost Wedding Business Expert, is given the “mission” of making the impossible-possible by teaching, training and motivating local wedding industry businesses to take their businesses to the next level on June 18, 2012 at the Hampton Inn-Chicago, O’Hare International.

Chris Evans, speaker, author, business coach and master presenter uses the 30 years in the bridal industry to help thousands of wedding businesses, grow their companies—even in these uncertain times. On June 18-Chicago will hear speaker, author, business coach and master presenter, Chris Evans, who uses the 30 years in the bridal industry to help thousands of wedding businesses, grow their companies—even in these uncertain times.

The full day Bridal Business Boot Camp was created to help those in the bridal industry to learn skills to increase their bottom line.  Wedding Professionals will learn:

• How to stop chasing the bride and have them chase you with Attraction Marketing!

• Why Social Networking doesn’t work-and what to do about it!

• ‘There’s an App for that!’ Websites and techniques that save you time and money!

• Mission Impossible?  How to remake your bridal business for the new economy!

Chris Evans is a fearless entrepreneur and top sales trainer. He’s never met a challenge he wouldn’t take. Chris’ new mission: fix America’s most desperate bridal businesses…. ready to change & grow…..Is it a Bridal Business: Impossible?  Never!

His background in the wedding industry includes top wedding entrepreneur, author, sales trainer and key note speaker and Chris entertains and trains companies with a hint of comedy from writing for the ‘Jay Leno’ show.

Chris created the wildly successful Bridal Business Boot Camp in 2008, training thousands of wedding professionals to exceed their expectations in sales, grow their companies and learn valuable business techniques.’ This intense business workout, will take them to the next level in sales and more!  Chris is also the Author of, ‘How to Double Your Wedding Business in 12 Months!’ and, ‘The Secret of Sales Success.’

The Bridal Business Boot Camp is a full day event at:

Hampton Inn Hotel, Chicago-O’Hare International

3939 N. Mannheim Road

Schiller Park, IL 60176

June 18, 2012, Monday

9:00 am -3:45 pm

Registration is available by going to:  or call 805-428-3851. Tickets increase in price after: June 15, 2012, Seating is limited!

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