Supporting the Bridal Business Industry

Posts tagged ‘media’

Two Ways to Save Time in the Office

Time is money! Don’t get stuck spinning your wheels on things that can be done for you while you work or sleep.

Times are changing. Constantly. One great thing that change has brought is automation. No, we can’t build robots to do all of our office work, but we can hire some virtual robots and humans to do some of it. Here are a couple of ways to do this:

Auto Responders When people sign up to get email updates from your business, you can use an auto responder to make sure they don’t fall through the cracks. An auto responder allows you to enter a series of newsletters or informational snippets and delivers them via email in the order and schedule you choose. So after a bridal trade show, when you have tons of new contacts, enter the email addresses and the auto responder will take it from there. A good one to check out is

Delegation What is the task that you don’t do well? Hate writing email blasts? Hate entering data? Or designing brochures? Delegate it to someone who does like the job and does it well. It will get done faster and turn out better than if you forced yourself to do it. Go to to see what I’m talking about.

Next time you’re sitting at your desk forcing yourself to get that dreaded task done, start thinking creatively. Look to the virtual world to get more done.

Products for the Wedding Professional

As a ‘Wedding Professional,’ look no further than the ‘product catalog’ to help you grow your business at: Wedding Professional Product Catalog

Check out our ESSText program to discover another way you can promote your business 24 hours a day through automation.

Visit us online at

And remember you can’t always do everything yourself, so work smarter this week. Automate and delegate.

Wedding Social Marketing Blue Print Surprisingly Simple?

Creating a social marketing blue print for your company can be incredibly hard for the #wedding business owner who is working constantly ‘keeping the doors open,’ and doesn’t have the time to be on the computer and grow their business.  It’s important to stay on top of the daily changes and updates in social marketing, so that your company is found easier.   Here are a few quick things to note when you are working on your blue print: 

1) Write click-worthy titles and descriptions for the bride to be

When it comes to writing titles for search engines, the first thing you have to know is this…you only have 65 characters to write your headline.  You could write the greatest headline, but if it’s over 65 characters, it will get cut off.   Try to create something that you know will interest the clients you want to come knocking at your door.

  • Front-load your titles with keywords – Since most people only scan the first 2 words in a title, try to a keyword in the front as much as possible.
  • Meet the expectations of the reader – Your title should click to a page that meets the expectations of the user.
  • Emotionally writing – Try to make your title an emotional call to the brides.   Use adverbs that will pull them in: Emotional words are; killer, FREE, amazingly, surprising, uncommonly, tempting, astoundingly  (make up your own?)

2) Keywords 

When you want to attract attention when it comes to ranking above the fold is with Google+

  • Google looks for the word you typed in, but sometimes also looks for synonyms or related terms. Any words appearing in boldface type in your search results are terms Google associates with your search terms. For example, if you search for [kittens] you might see the word cats in boldface in your results.
  • Adding pictures, creating a blog with keywords, add friends– all support your going higher on the search engine.

3) Meta Tags 

These ideas are from Google.  The quality of your snippet (a small piece of brief extract: ‘snippets of information’) is important.  Using identical or similar descriptions on every page of a site isn’t very helpful when individual pages appear in the web results— the short text preview Google displays for each web result — can have a direct impact on the chances of your site being clicked (i.e. the amount of traffic Google sends your way).  Google wants snippets to accurately represent the web result. They (Google) will frequently prefer to display meta descriptions of pages (when available) because it gives users a clear idea of the URL’s content.

  • The meta description doesn’t just have to be in sentence format; it’s also a great place to include structured data about the page. Google limits meta descriptions to 160 characters or less.
  • For some sites, like news media sources, generating an accurate and unique description for each page is easy: since each article is hand-written, it takes minimal effort to also add a one-sentence description.
  • Finally, make sure your descriptions are… descriptive.  Front load keywords that are relevant to the article. If you like formulas, ask “Who? What? Why? When? Where? How?” That’s a formula journalists use to report. It works equally well writing descriptions.

Remember, that you are in business!  While it may have started from your ‘passion’ and that should still be part of the business, you must continually take the steps to bring your company up to speed on social marketing.   Bridal Business Marketing Concierge is one who can help with that day-to-day social marketing.  Learn more about our internet marketing solutions 

Recent blog posts about bridal business marketing strategy:   (From Evans Sales Solutions)


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